Who we are.
Formed in 1992, CRC Technologies, Inc. (CRC) is a woman-owned small business headquartered in Piketon, OH. CRC specializes in two primary areas – proposal management and project controls – for complex government projects. We provide turnkey proposal solutions, strategic planning, project management, engineering, procurement, and construction services, and more. In each area of expertise, we can help you do what we do best – execute projects on cost and schedule.
In 1996, CRC formalized its approach to proposals and projects into a set of processes called ACTWRite (for Analyze, Comply, Think, Write, Refine). Since then, ACTWRite has become established as an effective toolbox for planning, scheduling, estimating, and controlling projects, from the initial proposal through project completion. The process has been credited with over $40 billion in project wins and has been used in the execution of many of those wins.
What we do.
CRC Technologies provides high-quality, value-added project management, engineering, business systems (project controls, estimating, and scheduling), technical and proposal writing, and business development services to engineering, construction, and management companies during every stage of the project lifecycle.

Management Team
CRC Technologies provides experienced leadership in proposal development, contract transition, and project execution.
Gail Conner, Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Gail Conner is CEO of CRC Technologies, a woman-owned small business headquartered in Ohio. In her capacity as CEO, Gail oversees daily operations of the firm, including both proposal management and project controls support services. She is responsible for accounting, human resources, government reporting, and customer satisfaction. Gail, along with her husband and family, has built CRC from a staff of two into a growing national consulting firm with highly qualified and credentialed personnel.
Bob Conner, President
Bob is the founder and President of CRC Technologies, Inc. He has 31 years of professional experience in directing and managing projects ranging from environmental remediation and facility construction to development and implementation of large-scale computer applications. His project management experience is comprehensive, encompassing conceptual design, preparation of detailed technical specifications, contract negotiations, project scheduling and tracking, and contract close out. He has diverse technical writing and oral communications skills. Since founding CRC Technologies, Inc., Bob has personally supported 24 clients in preparing 96 proposals, ranging in size from $25 million to $50 billion in contract capacity.
Basil Wayne Human, PE, Chief Operating Officer
Basil is the Chief Operating Officer of CRC Technologies, Inc. He has over 27 years of experience in program, project, personnel, and engineering management. Basil provides clients with expertise in program and project implementation, from analyzing contract requirements and developing project execution plans through managing and overseeing the execution of the work. He has particular expertise in program management, having negotiated and directed work on over 1,200 task orders at all five DOE-ORO facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Paducah, Kentucky; and Portsmouth, Ohio—with overall responsibility for all aspects of the program, from financial and scheduling through QA, procurement, and ES&H.
Steve Beck, Director of Project Controls
Steve, Director of Project Controls, has over 20 years of experience in project management, project controls, planning, cost and schedule control, contract management, and claims management. Project experience includes major construction projects, nuclear decontamination and demolition, site characterization and closure, nuclear facility management, munitions response, technical writing, underground tank remediation, nuclear soil excavation, and specialty equipment fabrication. Steve currently serves as Program Manager leading CRC's project controls support services contract for Fluor-B&W Portsmouth in connection with the DOE Portsmouth D&D Project. He is a Certified Cost Consultant, an expert level user of Primavera and Deltek platforms, and a respected manager of people and projects.
Tyler Shaw
Tyler provides clients with expertise in strategic planning and business planning, developed over 12 years of experience in marketing, planning, and communications for government, not-for-profit, and commercial organizations. His experience includes developing multiple annual strategic plans, a post-merger sales force integration plan, the business plan for a joint venture established to execute a $5 billion new nuclear construction project, and a market-specific strategic plan that led to a doubling of the target business segment’s revenue within two years for ($1 billion in annual revenue). His proposal experience includes assistant managing a four-party joint venture bid for approximately $2 billion of new nuclear construction in the United Kingdom.
Rate Structure
The rates presented below are CRC Technologies, Inc. rates for work performed in the continental United States (CONUS). The rates are composite rates, and include all fringe, overhead, G&A, and fee.